There are N children standing in a line. Each child is assigned a rating value.
You are giving candies to these children subjected to the following requirements:
- Each child must have at least one candy.
- Children with a higher rating get more candies than their neighbors.
What is the minimum candies you must give?
tag: greedy
版本一,采用回溯算法,用一个stack记录当前状态,如果当前层没有满足条件的解,则返回上一层继续深搜。被Leetcode判为内存超出限额MEMORY LIMIT EXCEEDED。晕,考虑用时间换空间中。
//版本一,内存超出限制 class Solution { public: stack<int> data; int candy(vector<int> &ratings) { /*mark backtracking*/ _candy(ratings, 0); int sum = 0; while(data.empty() == false){ sum +=; data.pop(); } return sum; } bool _candy(vector<int> ratings, int start){ if(start == 0){ int i = 1; bool state; while(true){ data.push(i); state = _candy(ratings, 1); if(state == true){ return true; } else{ data.pop(); i++; } } } else if(start == ratings.size()){ return true; } else{ int lastCandyNum =; int min = -1; int max = -1; if (ratings[start - 1] > ratings[start]){ max = lastCandyNum - 1; for(int i = 1; i <= max; i++){ data.push(i); bool state = _candy(ratings, start + 1); if(state == true){ return true; } else{ data.pop(); } } return false; } else{ min = lastCandyNum + 1; while(true){ data.push(min); bool state = _candy(ratings, start + 1); if(state == true){ return true; } else{ data.pop(); min++; } } } } } };
class Solution { public: int candy(vector<int> &ratings) { /*mark backtracking*/ return _candy(ratings, 0, 0); } int _candy(vector<int> ratings, int start, int lastCandy){ if(start == 0){ int i = 1; while(true){ int sum = _candy(ratings, 1, i); if(sum >= 0){ return sum + i; } else{ i++; } } } else if(start == ratings.size()){ return 0; } else{ int min; int max; if (ratings[start - 1] > ratings[start]){ max = lastCandy - 1; for(int i = 1; i <= max; i++){ int sum = _candy(ratings, start + 1, i); if(sum >= 0){ return sum + i; } } return -1; } else{ min = lastCandy + 1; while(true){ int sum = _candy(ratings, start + 1, min); if(sum >= 0){ return sum + min; } else{ min++; } } } } } };
如果rating[i]处于上升阶段(rating[i – 1] < rating[i] < rating[i + 1]),则candy[i] = candy[i – 1] + 1.
如果rating[i]处于下降阶段(rating[i – 1] >rating[i] > rating[i + 1]),则此时candy[i]不能确定,需要记录下该下降阶段的总长度,最后用calculateDescendSum()一起求出。
class Solution { public: int minPeakVal = 0; int candy(vector<int> &ratings) { /*greedy algorithm... I think it is.*/ if(ratings.size() == 1){ return 1; } else{ int descendLength = 0; int sum = 0; int lastCandyNum = 0; for(int i = 0; i < ratings.size(); i++){ if(i == 0){//start if(ratings[i + 1] >= ratings[i]){//ascending or stable lastCandyNum = 1; sum += lastCandyNum; } else{//descending descendLength = 1; minPeakVal = 0; } } else if(i == ratings.size() - 1){//end if(ratings[i - 1] > ratings[i]){//descending descendLength++; sum += calculateDescendSum(descendLength); descendLength = 0; } else if(ratings[i - 1] < ratings[i]){//ascending lastCandyNum++; sum += lastCandyNum; } else{//stable lastCandyNum = 1; sum += 1; } } else{//non-boundary case int a = ratings[i - 1]; int b = ratings[i]; int c = ratings[i + 1]; if(b > a && b > c){//peak minPeakVal = lastCandyNum + 1; descendLength = 1; } else if(b < a && b < c){//bottom descendLength++; sum += calculateDescendSum(descendLength); descendLength = 0; lastCandyNum = 1; } else if(a < b && b < c){//ascending lastCandyNum++; sum += lastCandyNum; } else if(a > b && b > c){//descending descendLength++; } else{//stable related scenarios if(a > b){ //a > b && b == c descendLength++; sum += calculateDescendSum(descendLength); descendLength = 0; lastCandyNum = 1; } else if(a < b){//a < b && b == c lastCandyNum++; sum += lastCandyNum; } else{ if(b < c){//a == b && b < c lastCandyNum = 1; sum += lastCandyNum; } else if(b > c){//a == b && b > c minPeakVal = 0; descendLength = 1; } else{//a == b && b == c lastCandyNum = 1; sum += lastCandyNum; } } } } } return sum; } } int calculateDescendSum(int num){ int sum = 0; for(int i = 1; i < num; i++){ sum += i; } sum += max(num, minPeakVal); return sum; } };